Saturday, September 21, 2019

Seasons Are Changing

This week in EnvOE 9 we:

  • Talked about how abiotic and biotic factors interact with each other in our school yard.  What is a rock doing to the grass?  For the Richardson Ground Squirrels?
  • Talked about how and why organisms conceal themselves.
  • Played Camouflage.  What does this game represent in nature?
  • How are producers, consumers, scavengers, etc. organised in nature?
  • Looked at Biological Diversity.  Talked about organisms adapt differently based on their environments.
  • Talked about advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction.
  • Worked on our "Keep our School Beautiful" posters.  When you have indoor time, you should work on them.

Coming Up:

  • Predator-Prey 
  • Dressing for the activity
  • Trip planning

Saturday, September 14, 2019

In EnvOE 9 We have been:

  • Identifying Biotic and Abiotic factors.
  • Observing what they do in our environment.
  • Used our environmental stewardship skills to clean up the school yard.
  • Used our communication skills to design and start to create a poster/start a campaign: Keep Our School Beautiful
  • Talked about planning a trip and being prepared.  What does this look like?  What steps can you take?
  • Played Camouflage.  Why do we do it?  What does it have to do with EnvOE?
Coming up:
  • Why do we look at making changes to our lifestyle to help the environment?
  • Can we work together to achieve a common goal outside?

Monday, September 2, 2019

Welcome to EnvOE 9!

Welcome to Environmental and Outdoor Education 9!

I am looking forward to working with you this year!

So far in EnvOE 9 we have:

  • made observations of our school yard 
  • recorded our observations on flip chart paper as a group
    • what made you happy about our school yard?
    • what made you sad about our school yard?
  • Reviewed HOTTEA to help support SAFE outdoor trip planning - Hazard, Objective, Team, Tell, Equipment, Alone
  • Discussed the difference between BIOTIC and ABIOTIC
  • Talked about Choose your own adventure days and participation in cooperative games.
Coming up:
  • Why are biotic and abiotic factors important?  How do they interact?
  • The great yard clean up expedition.